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Hard chrome plating coating, Recondition of Mould SandBlast( DOP/ Buram)

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
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68 kali



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Detail Hard Chrome Plating Coating, Recondition Of Mould SandBlast( DOP/ Buram)

HARDCHROME ; Recondition of Mould By SandBlast, Hard chrome plating. Sandblasting is the most widely used surface preparation for steel surfaces. Sandblasting removes rust, existing coatings, mill scale, dirt, oil, grease, and other contaminants. It creates an anchor pattern for the primer. Sandblasting does not remove all the salt from the substrate surface. Before sandblasting newly manufactured or repainted steel, pressure washing or steam cleaning is necessary. Salt Test Kits are available for determining the cleanliness of the surface. Manfaat HARD CHROME coating ; * Anti Abrasi( gores) * Kuat Anti Karat * Melicinkan logam * Tahan gesekan * Tahan cuaca * Melindungi base material dari keausan * Ekstrem Hardness( kekerasan) * Heat Resistensi * Melapisi Permukaan Logam Yg Haus Agar Kembali Ke Ukuran Awal
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